Disclaimer of Opinion
The Opinions expressed in this blogg/website www.martinlaubachata.co.uk are those solely of the author "Martin Lau" and not an opinion by any other individual or entity. They do not puport to reflect the opinions or views of the Organisers or other participants at any event being reviewed.
Furthermore any opinions reflected in this blogg may be expressed biasly from a paying customer'/dancer's viewpoint due to the fact the arthur is attending these events in the capacity as a "paying customer/dancer" and view points will differ naturally from a person who has not attended/paid an entry fee/been involved with the events reviewed.
Dance festivals reviewed by "festival marking / review criteria" is marked as objectively as possible on a scale of 1 to 10 based on the evidence present at the festival at the time of review from a customer'/dancer's viewpoint due to the fact the arthur is attending these events in the capacity as a "paying customer/dancer" and view points will differ naturally from a person who has not attended/paid an entry fee/been involved with the events reviewed.
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